The AI for Climate and Nature Grand Challenge team recently produced a series of short video spotlights on each focus area — biodiversity conservation, power grid optimization, and sustainable proteins.

Prospective Grand Challenge applicants can watch the recordings as they consider the priorities, barriers, and opportunities within each focus area.

Focus Area Spotlight: Biodiversity Conservation

Cristián Samper is the Managing Director and Leader for Nature Solutions at the Bezos Earth Fund. Cristián spoke with the Grand Challenge team about the importance of the Bezos Earth Fund’s work to protect and restore nature.

“The time is now. We’re losing a lot of species, a lot of ecosystems. This is the moment when we need to bring the best minds and the best tools to have an impact.”

Focus Area Spotlight: Power Grid Optimization

Nicole Iseppi is the Director of Global Energy Innovation at the Bezos Earth Fund. Nicole joined Dr. Amen Ra Mashariki, the Director of AI and Data Strategies, to discuss the transformative potential of artificial intelligence to modernize our power grid infrastructure.

“By incentivizing partnerships between AI experts, utilities, grid operators, and frontline organizations, we aim to unlock innovative solutions that can optimize grid operations, enhance resilience, and ensure a more equitable energy access for all.”

Focus Area Spotlight: Sustainable Proteins

Andy Jarvis is the Director of Future of Food at the Bezos Earth Fund. Andy shared his insights about sustainable proteins and the opportunities for AI in this specific sector.

“What we really would love from this Grand Challenge is not those incremental changes that will probably happen anyway in startups or in university labs or research organizations in the next couple of years. Use this opportunity to think out of the box to try riskier stuff and more transformational ideas.”

Learn more about the focus areas by visiting the resources page — and remember to submit your proposals by August 13.

*Please note that this blog post was updated on July 26, 2024, to reflect the submission deadline’s extension to August 13.