This summer, the AI for Climate and Nature Grand Challenge inspired innovators around the world to explore new ideas for multiplying the impact of climate and nature efforts using modern AI. By the submission deadline, teams representing more than 1,000 organizations — from renowned academic institutions to frontline practitioners — submitted proposals. These proposals reflect a level of innovation and creativity equal in magnitude to the problems they seek to address. 

A primary goal of the Grand Challenge was to foster multidisciplinary, multinational collaborations that could spark novel, groundbreaking solutions. The teams that submitted Phase 1 proposals are evidence that the Grand Challenge has made progress toward this goal. Teams across 94 different countries united a wide array of experience and expertise — from government agencies and global philanthropies to grassroots organizations and technology startups.

Experts review Grand Challenge submissions

Eligible submissions are now being evaluated by a panel of 175 reviewers according to the selection criteria. This diverse panel of experts includes leaders from organizations at the forefront of climate, nature, and AI, such as Columbia University, Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sino, Greenpeace, the National Park Service, the Indian Institute of Forest Management, MIT, University of Lagos, and OpenAI.

The AI for Climate and Nature Grand Challenge team extends its gratitude to these reviewers for their invaluable contributions of time and expertise.  Learn more about the reviewers here.

What’s next: moving forward to Phase 2

A multidisciplinary judging panel will evaluate top-scoring Phase 1 submissions based on the selection criteria. Judges will recommend and the Bezos Earth Fund will finalize up to 30 Seed Grantees. Each Seed Grantee will receive $50,000 and with an exclusive invitation to participate in Phase 2.

In Phase 2, Seed Grantees will enter a virtual Innovation Sprint, during which they will receive targeted support and resources from AI experts as they develop detailed implementation plans. At the close of Phase 2, Seed Grantees will submit their implementation plans for consideration by the judging panel. The Bezos Earth Fund will award up $2 million each to up to 15 awardees at the conclusion of the first round.