Phase 1 seeks new ideas for multiplying the impact of climate and nature efforts using modern AI. Phase 1 is open to U.S.-based 501(c)(3) entities and global academic institutions.

In Phase 2, Seed Grantees will enter a six-week virtual Innovation Sprint, where they will receive targeted support and resources from climate, nature, and AI experts as they develop detailed implementation plans for consideration by the judging panel. Phase 2 is exclusively open to Phase 1 awardees.

Phase 1

Grand Challenge launch

June 11, 2024
Submissions open and Phase 1 begins. Potential applicants may form teams and work on proposals for how they will address climate change and nature loss using modern AI.

Virtual information session

June 20, 2024
The AI for Climate and Nature Grand Challenge team hosts a webinar to share more about the Grand Challenge and answer questions from potential applicants.
We are here

Webinars for potential applicants

July 2024
The AI for Climate and Nature Grand Challenge team hosts additional webinars to introduce modern AI and spotlight the focus areas.

Phase 1 submission deadline

July 30, 2024
Submissions close at 5:59 p.m. Eastern Time (9:59 p.m. UTC). Applicants must accept the Grand Challenge Agreement to submit a proposal.

Phase 1 awardee announcement

October 2024
Up to 30 Seed Grantees receive $50,000 each and an invitation to join the Phase 2 Innovation Sprint.

Phase 2

Virtual Innovation Sprint

Late 2024
Seed Grantees participate in an Innovation Sprint to refine their proposals, build multidisciplinary teams, and develop implementation plans.

Phase 2 submission deadline

Early 2025
Seed Grantees submit implementation plans and present plans to the judging panel.

Phase 2 awardee announcement

Early 2025
Up to 15 Implementation Grantees receive up to $2 million each.

Post-award implementation

Following Phase 2, Implementation Grantees will bring their solutions to life over the course of two years; during this time, they will test, iterate, and report on the effectiveness of their approaches. Awardees will also convene in person at the AI for Climate and Nature Summit in 2025.

The Bezos Earth Fund will announce more information on future rounds of the Grand Challenge at a later date. Sign up for the newsletter for announcements.

Register for the virtual July 9 AI panel discussion

Grand Challenge Newsletter

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